Entries by Sarah Ewen

Parking and site accessibility update

We apologise for the delay in getting to our Festival carpark today. This is due to the mud created by recent bad weather. We are working as quickly as we can to get you all in safely. All talks are being delayed by 15 minutes and anyone missing a talk will be offered tickets to […]

Somme Service, Chalke Valley History Festival

Our ‪#‎Somme100‬ service this morning was led by Rt Revd. Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury at our ‪#‎WW1‬ trench. Broad Chalke Primary School sang beautifully and there were readings by Lieutenant-Colonel John Wakelin, Alex Langlands and Bee James. somme from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Tom Booth

Dr Tom Booth from the Natural History Museum talks to us about the extraordinary discovery of a mummy found locally in Sixpenny Handley. Tom Booth – Natural History Museum Mummy from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.


We have had a record amount of rainfall in the last month and unfortunately the site has become quite muddy. CVHF is taking action to improve both the car park accessibility and the event areas: EVENT ARENA 1. We are putting down additional matting at the main entrance and the entrances to the talk tents […]