New Additions to the Air Show!

We are thrilled to announced that not only will we have a Miles Messenger flying into the  Festival and becoming an exhibit throughout, we will also be visited by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Hurricane on the Saturday, and the Dakota on the Sunday.  The Messenger is owned by Paul Beaver, who has been instrumental in organising the Air Show and securing many of the wonderful aircraft on show.  He plans to fly into the field before the Festival and for his aircraft to then become an exhibit amongst a number of  Second World War vehicles.

The Miles Messenger was used as Field Marshal Montgomery’s personal mount throughout much of his time as Eighth Army and then 21st Army Group Commander – a light aircraft that could land almost anywhere, and which was ideal for ferrying him to both meetings and around the battlefield.

The BBMF Hurricane will be performing a flypast of the Festival at lunchtime on Saturday 29th June, while the Dakota will appear on the Sunday.