CVHF Air Show Update From Paul Beaver

Paul Beaver talks about what to expect at our Air Show this year..

Paul Beaver Air show promo from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.

History Hub: James Holland talks to Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson chats to James Holland about #Brexit and the importance of our leaders having a good knowledge of History. ‘Applied history is what I am campaigning to make integral in the way we educate our Elites – until we do that, I’m afraid our Elites will keep screwing up.’

James Holland & Niall Ferguson from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.

Somme Service, Chalke Valley History Festival

Our ‪#‎Somme100‬ service this morning was led by Rt Revd. Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury at our ‪#‎WW1‬ trench. Broad Chalke Primary School sang beautifully and there were readings by Lieutenant-Colonel John Wakelin, Alex Langlands and Bee James.

somme from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Tom Booth

Dr Tom Booth from the Natural History Museum talks to us about the extraordinary discovery of a mummy found locally in Sixpenny Handley.

Tom Booth – Natural History Museum Mummy from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.


We have had a record amount of rainfall in the last month and unfortunately the site has become quite muddy. CVHF is taking action to improve both the car park accessibility and the event areas:

1. We are putting down additional matting at the main entrance and the entrances to the talk tents
2. We are purchasing significant tonnages of woodchip to place at points of significant footfall

1. The tracking in our field is being kept clean and covered in sand to improve traction
2. We are utilising a rota system for entry and exit traffic routes to use less muddy parts of the field
3. We are increasing the numbers of car park attendants
4. We have multiple tractors on site to ensure cars can be moved at all times if they get into difficulty
5. We are deploying our additional car park over the weekend which is dry and unused so far

We are laying on additional assistance for the public
1. People with mobility requirements are able to use mobility scooters throughout the site and we are supplying a quantity of scooters for the public
2. We are providing several drivers in the car park to ferry infirm people from their cars to the event arena
3. All of our volunteers and staff will be assisting the public to ensure they can fully enjoy the festival

All customers should ask for assistance at any time from any the volunteers and staff

The last two days have seen a significant improvement as the drier conditions and sun and wind have resulted in the fields becoming less muddy and we expect further natural drying.


Peter Caddick-Adams talks to us about The Battle of the Somme

Peter Caddick-Adams talks to us about the importance of marking the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.

Peter Caddick-Adams interview from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.

Michael Morpurgo talks to us about ‘An Eagle In The Snow: The Man Who Could Have Prevented WW1

Michael Morpurgo talks to us about writing historical novels and what inspired him to tell the amazing story of Henry Tandey, the most decorated soldier in World War One.

Michael Morpurgo talks to us about ‘An Eagle In The Snow: The Man Who Could Have Prevented WW1 from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.