CVHF Artist in Residence

Here’s Will Topley, CVHF Artist in Residence who will be with us all week capturing the Festival atmosphere on canvas. Here he is painting some vintage Rolls Royces in the sunshine.

Christopher Lloyd interview at CVHF School’s Festival

Christopher Lloyd interview

Day 5 of the Festival build

Gallery of 2014 Festival now online

The gallery for the 2014 Festival can be seen at

Lady Emma Kitchener opens Princess Mary Gift Boxes from WW1

The Princess Mary Gift Boxes from WW1 are untouched for nearly 100 years.

Filmed at The Daily Mail Chalke Valley History Festival, Saturday 28th June 2014, Lady Emma Kitchener opens a sealed packing case which has remained untouched since the start of the First World War.

The unopened carton, contains eighty new and unused brass Princess Mary gift boxes, to be sent as gifts to the soldiers on the Western Front in Christmas 1914.

It is fitting that Lady Emma Kitchener, who is the great great niece of Earl Kitchener of Khartoum (whose face was made famous on the First World War recruitment poster ‘Lord Kitchener Wants You’), kindly agreed to open the packing case.

Intelligence Squared Debate: CVHF Preview

Ahead of today’s Intelligence Squared Debate, debating Scotland’s upcoming referendum on the country’s independence, CVHF has conducted an initial poll to see what our festival goers think about one the biggest constitutional issues in the United Kingdom’s history.

This morning on the CVHF site, we asked 50 people to vote either YES, NO or DON’T KNOW. Here are the results:

YES: 16%

NO: 64%


Check our website for results from the actual debate this afternoon and click here for more information on this event.

CVHF on BBC 1 TV – Sunday Morning Live

Sunday Morning Live TVHistorian, Tom Holland and Historical Film Maker, David Olusoga on TV this morning live from CVHF discussing the Sunday Morning Live debate ‘Should Britain be proud of its history? If you missed it.. here it is on BBC iplayer

Exclusive interview with Jeremy Paxman – CVHF 2014

Notorious broadcaster and journalist Jeremy Paxman discusses with Xander Drury his recent book ‘Great Britain’s Great War’ as well as sharing his thoughts on his role as the ‘Grand Inquisitor’ and life after leaving Newsnight.

Jeremy Paxman at CVHF 2014

Jeremy Paxman at CVHF 2014


James Heneage’s video preview for the weekend

Co-founder of Chalke Valley History Festival, James Heneage, looks ahead to the action-packed weekend at this year’s festival, picking out some of the most eye-catching highlights from the extensive programme of speakers and Living History displays.


Interview with Charles Glass – CVHF 2014

Acclaimed broadcaster, journalist and writer Charles Glass talks about all things Syria, reflecting with Xander Drury on how the conflict has descended into such global crisis whilst also affording some thoughts on what is still to come in the future.

Charles Glass at CVHF 2014

Charles Glass at CVHF 2014