Tag Archive for: Boris Johnson

Max Hastings compares Boris to Berlusconi #Brexit

In his talk at Chalke Valley History Festival yesterday, Max Hastings gave us his thoughts on Brexit, comparing Boris Johnson to Silvio Berlusconi.

Max Hastings on Brexit from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.

Exclusive interview with Jeremy Paxman – CVHF 2014

Notorious broadcaster and journalist Jeremy Paxman discusses with Xander Drury his recent book ‘Great Britain’s Great War’ as well as sharing his thoughts on his role as the ‘Grand Inquisitor’ and life after leaving Newsnight.

Jeremy Paxman at CVHF 2014

Jeremy Paxman at CVHF 2014


IQ2 Debate: Ancients v Moderns

Ancient History Matters More Than Modern History. A recording from the IQ2 Debate at CVHF on 29th June 2013 with Boris Johnson, Tom Holland, Dan Snow and Jeremy Black. Chair: Edward Stourton.

What have the Romans ever done for us? Monty Python’s eternal question is put to the vote in this year’s IQ2 debate. This dazzling cast of historians pitted their knowledge and wit against each other in arguing whether ancient or modern history is more instructive and relevant to the times we live in. In this blizzard of repartee in our second, annual IQ2 debate, the audience got to speak and vote on some of the critical questions of history.


Exclusively for the CVHF website, Mayor of London Boris Johnson afforded some time ahead of his talk at Chalke Valley History Festival 2013 discussing with Xander Drury the importance of Ancient History and all things London.

Camera: John E Fry

Exclusive interview with Tom Holland

Xander Drury interviews leading classicist Tom Holland at the Chalke Valley History Festival 2013, shedding light on his love for cricket, his thoughts on the fall of the Roman Empire and his excitement ahead of debating alongside Boris Johnson on Saturday.

Camera: John E Fry

Tom Holland at CVHF 13