Tag Archive for: Pyrenees

CRUEL CROSSING: Escaping Hitler Across The Pyrenees

Audio from Chalke Valley History Festival, Monday 24th June 2013.

They came from all over France and Europe to escape Hitler’s reach. The mountain paths
were steep and treacherous…even more so in winter or in the dead of night. Some came through established escape channels, others just took to the road, hiding in barns and attics along the way. Many did not make it. Today, their courage and endurance are celebrated each July by a trek along Le Chemin de Liberté, and the intrepid Edward Stourton hauled on his knapsack to join them. Along the way, he encountered stories of midnight scrambles across rooftops, doomed love affairs and astonishing heroism. In this vivid telling of this little- known aspect of the Second World War, Edward Stourton gave an enthralling talk of adventure, courage and also tragedy.