Entries by James Holland

History Hub: James Holland talks to Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson chats to James Holland about #Brexit and the importance of our leaders having a good knowledge of History. ‘Applied history is what I am campaigning to make integral in the way we educate our Elites – until we do that, I’m afraid our Elites will keep screwing up.’ James Holland & Niall Ferguson […]


Very sadly, the Battle of Britain’s Memorial Flight Avro Lancaster, due to display over both days of the festival weekend, has been grounded indefinitely due to problems with its new fuel tanks. It’s a great shame, but we’ve been assured she will fly again and hopefully will still fill the skies of the Chalke Valley […]

WWI Trench update

At this year’s festival we are very excited to have created a scale section of a First World War trench. Built by a team of experts and local volunteers, and using authentic methods and materials, official period manuals, as well as drawing upon the testimonies of those who built and fought in them, this will […]

James Holland interviews Geoffrey Wellum DFC

Squadron Leader Geoffrey Wellum DFC (aged 93) is a British Battle of Britain fighter pilot and author. Aged eighteen, he signed up on a short-service commission with the Royal Air Force in August 1939. He saw extensive action during the Battle of Britain and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) in 1941 in recognition […]

Exclusive interview with Joanna Lumley

The last video exclusive interview with actress Joanna Lumley at CVHF13, talking with Xander Drury about her involvement in this year’s CVHF writing prize whilst also sharing how it was to work alongside Martin Scorcese and Leonardo DiCaprio in her recent film ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’. Camera: John E Fry

Exclusive interview with Charlie Higson

Our penultimate video exclusive from this year’s festival as Xander Drury talks to writer Charlie Higson about his latest zombie-packed adventure in The Enemy series, his time on ‘The Fast Show’ and the key to writing thrilling historical fiction. Camera: John E Fry

Exclusive interview with Justin Pollard

An exclusive interview with Justin Pollard, historical advisor on everything from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ to ‘The Tudors’ as he discusses with John Fry his new history panel show ‘Histrionics’ and shares his delight at being involved in this year’s festival. Camera: John E Fry

Interview with James Heneage

James Heneage, co-founder of the Chalke Valley History Festival, shares with John E Fry his highlights of CVHF13, the secrets behind its unprecedented success and the plans for next year’s festival.