New Festival Site – Plans For A Smooth Traffic Management System
/in News/by Sarah EwenThis year, Chalke Valley History Festival will run from the 26th June to 2nd July at a new site, Church Bottom in Broad Chalke. It is an intimate spot, lying amidst ancient chalk pasture well away from the village and so noise from the festival should not greatly impact villagers.
As the Festival is new to the village, we are keen to cause as little disruption to the village as possible and with this in mind, we are working towards having a traffic management system in place which will help traffic flow smoothly and enter the festival site easily. We are working closely with Wiltshire Council to achieve this.
The Council have suggested that we apply for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order, so that GFI Event Services can implement a ‘one way route’ during busy periods, in particular over the weekend.
Our proposed route in for traffic coming into the village from Salisbury is to enter Broad Chalke via Long Bridge, past the school. We are applying for a oneway road system during that week. Traffic exiting from the school will be directed to leave via Broad Chalke and on The Causeway. Exiting traffic from the Festival site will be directed also via The Causeway. There is no intention to use Knighton Road or Bull Lane and we have been advised to have the road closed to non-residents but obviously residents and friends/family of those residents will have full access.
Throughout the Festival week, there will be AA signs in place giving detailed information so that the system is clear to both village and non-village traffic. All Festival car parking will be in Church Bottom and there will be no parking in Bury Orchard.
With regards our air displays, this year we have another amazing line-up of wonderful historic war birds for the Festival weekend. All flying will take place over agricultural land and in accordance with the guidelines set down by the Civil Aviation Authority. The flight path is not over any houses in Newtown.
Finally, we are offering free weekend entrance tickets for Broad Chalke residents. If you would like to take this offer up, please call the Box Office on 01722 781133 from 26th April.
Please do also contact us if you have any questions about these plans – you can also leave feedback here.
The Festival Team
Highlights of Knight’s Cross Winner, Günter Halm’s talk at CVHF
/in Live, News/by Sarah EwenGünter Halm, a veteran of the Second World War, fought under Rommel in the Deutsches Afrikakorps, won the Knight’s Cross for his part in the First Battle of Alamein in July 1942 and later served in Normandy. In his talk at Chalke Valley History Festival on Saturday, 2nd July, he discussed his wartime memories in what was a truly fascinating morning.
CVHF 2016: Günter Halm Highlights from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.
The Eyes of History
/in Live, News/by Sarah EwenA beautifully shot video of Living History at Chalke Valley History Henry Lynch, Bournemouth University
CVHF: Little Things Part 2 from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.
Parking and site accessibility update
/in Live, News/by Sarah EwenWe apologise for the delay in getting to our Festival carpark today. This is due to the mud created by recent bad weather. We are working as quickly as we can to get you all in safely.
All talks are being delayed by 15 minutes and anyone missing a talk will be offered tickets to alternative talks.
Please remember to wear appropriate footwear (wellies or sturdy walking boots!)
Living History..backstage
/in Live, News/by Sarah EwenA look backstage at Living History at Chalke Valley History Festival..
LIVING HISTORY BACKSTAGE 2 from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.
CVHF Air Show Update From Paul Beaver
/in Live, News/by Paul BeaverPaul Beaver talks about what to expect at our Air Show this year..
Paul Beaver Air show promo from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.
Somme Service, Chalke Valley History Festival
/in Live, News/by Sarah EwenOur #Somme100 service this morning was led by Rt Revd. Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury at our #WW1 trench. Broad Chalke Primary School sang beautifully and there were readings by Lieutenant-Colonel John Wakelin, Alex Langlands and Bee James.
somme from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.
Dr Tom Booth
/in Live, News/by Sarah EwenDr Tom Booth from the Natural History Museum talks to us about the extraordinary discovery of a mummy found locally in Sixpenny Handley.
Tom Booth – Natural History Museum Mummy from Chalke Valley History Trust on Vimeo.